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Is Your Shoe Store Toilet Proof?

Retail Commoditization

Retail Business Differentiation

The footwear retail business has caught the plague of commoditization.

Shoe stores are all starting to look alike, the same footwear brands, same brand assortment and even the same customer service.

Most footwear retailers went into panic mode during the recession because no one was walking into their store, every owner and buyer would say “No one is buying right now” but people were buying shoes…They just weren’t buying their shoes from you.

You can’t expect for customers to get excited to spend their money if you’re not supplying the excitement, what did you do to WOW the people that walked into your store? Hmmm…most likely you started with “Can I Help You?”.

What did you change in your footwear retail business to attract new customers and bring back your current clients? If you didn’t invest to stand out and grab attention, then you didn’t earn or deserve to get the people’s money.

Footwear retail has become  exciting as an aisle of toilet paper at your local grocery store, no matter how different the packaging may be the product is still the same and still being used for the same purpose.

You have to be different whether it is your customer service, your footwear assortment, your store design and most important how you communicate with your customers.

If you don’t invest to transform your business, you end up looking like every other shoe store on the block…Just like every other roll of toilet paper on the shelf. You can’t allow people to percieve your shoe business as just another shoe store.

Consumers can wipe their butts with any type of retail business because they have choices, you’re not exclusive to the majority of footwear brands in the market place and you can’t beat the department stores in pricing so it’s time to flush your competition away and make your shoe business, TOILET PROOF!

Here are Seven Ways to Make Your Shoe Business toilet Proof


  1. Salespeople need to have EnthusiasmPeople buy with emotions, if your staff can’t excite the client with the service & product. Get A New Staff!
  2. Assortment with Attention If  you’re not getting attention then you’re not making a connection, if your product assortment is boring then you can’t blame the customer for seeking excitement somewhere else. Even customers cheat…
  3. Presentation is an InvitationThe way you present your products can increase your sales by up to 30%, tell a story by brands, collections, colors, heel heights or by seasons…it has to be inviting and be a magnet. Enough with the hand made signs!
  4. Dress to ImpressHow can you be in the fashion business, if you’re not playing the part? Make it a policy for everyone to look good because first impressions are important when standing out, sloppy image means a sloppy business.
  5. Communicate & Connect– Postcards, sales letters, phone calls etc..I dont care how you do it, just do it. A customer buys from you and you think you’re on their mind 24/7, you have to communicate consistently to build loyalty. It’s the beginning of the sales process.
  6. Give Value– Combine service, products and your peoples attitude to give a total value and experience to your customers. When your customers feel appreciated, they feel a connection with you.
  7. Gratitude Gift– A simple card, a small gift shows gratitude, when was the last time a business that you regular visit gave or mailed you a little gift of gratitude? Enough said…


“Little things don’t mean a lot, they mean everything.”


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