
Shoe Dog Guru Lesson- “Cut The Crap!”


Cut The Crap In Your Retail Business in 31 Days to Transform Your Shoe Store, Here’s How…

Wouldn’t YOU like to walk into your retail store one day and it’s Less Hectic, Less Frustrating, Have More Time, Have More Revenue, More Profits, Less Expenses and Be More Happy with Your Shoe Store?

Well You Can, and Here are Five Easy Things to Transform in Your Shoe Store in The Next 31 Days to Accomplish this.

1) Employees- Fire (Unprofitable, Unreliable, Etc…)
2) Brand- Drop (If the brand Sucks, Drop It…that simple)
3) Behaviors- Stop (Tardiness, Not Performing, Not Completing Tasks, )
4) Advertisements- Terminate (No ROI, Can’t Measure, No Traffic…)
5) Customers- Say Bye! (Complainers, Refund Addicts, Pain In The Ass)

You’re The Business Owner, So Own It!

Now Go Sell Some Shoes…..
Shoe Dog Guru

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