Monthly Archives: Apr 2019


The 7 Shoe Dog Mindsets for Transformation- #4 Time Guard


The 7 Shoe Dog Mindsets for Transformation – #4 Guard Your Time
Guard Your Time! In business, the best ROI is time. So you have to be wise to invest it in actions that create money, whether it is New Customer Acquisition or Client Retention. How do you invest your time? As a Shoe Dog your whole focus should be Driving Traffic, Selling Shoes and Getting Those Same Customers to Return To Buy More…That’s It! There’s no pay off in wasting time on Tasking, Chatting and BS.

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The 7 Shoe Dog Mindsets for Transformation- #3 Closer


The 7 Shoe Dog Mindsets for Transformation – #3 Closer
There are salespeople and then there are Closers…I get it service is important and suggesting merchandise is great but if you don’t close the client, all that goes to waste. Either you close the client or your competition will. It’s that simple, at the end First To Close Wins. Top Closers are Confident, Study Sales, Master Objections and have No Fear in the words No Thank You, Closers don’t accept No or I’ll Be Back, Closers Ask Questions to find out the Why. Are you a Closer or an Order Taker?

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The 7 Shoe Dog Mindsets for Transformation- #2 Marketer


The 7 Shoe Dog Mindsets for Transformation – #2 Marketer
Rule #1- You’re Not A Shoe Salesperson, You Are A Marketer. Your number one job is to market You, Your Services and Your Product. 95% of people that sell footwear just work on the sales floor waiting for a customer to walk through the doors and collect checks, over paid mannequins that eat up payroll. Your function is to drive traffic in the store, to ask for you so you can sell them shoes in order to make money. The way you do this is to become the Go To Person when someone needs a pair of shoes, you need to Get Attention and Get Out and Create Your Business. “You are either Waiting for Business or Creating Business.”

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The 7 Shoe Dog Mindsets for Transformation – #1 You’re An Entr…


The 7 Shoe Dog Mindsets for Transformation – #1 You’re An Entreprenuer
Entrepreneurship definition, a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. Now do you understand that you are an Entreprenuer? You are building your business and your brand, you are the Frontline and CEO of You…Believe in what you are doing, Stay Hungry and Go All In.

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